
Quiet Place

Posted in Uncategorized by waldopaper on February 9, 2023

Inside Victory

A master deep-eyed
   Ere his manhood was ripe

The buoys had no way of knowing this would be their last time together aboard the Dart Chaska Thabo and Henry talked about the war when she was the CSS Tallahassee and the different reasons they each wanted to have her.  Chaska wanted the crew of course.  Thabo imagined what she could do on the river and Henry was driven by speed as usual.  The deck of cards remained untouched on the chart table that was now Henry’s desk.  The war was over 40 years ago and they were getting old and addled according to the kids.  That’s right.  Talking about the kids.  It’s what old people do.

Henry sent Karl back to New York. He did this without explaining the ultimate functions of the Dart. Karl’s new commission was to get Daisy to a safe place, away from Albert and anyone in his organization. Karl pleaded his concerns, many of them obvious. First of all, he made it clear to Henry that Daisy did not only dislike Karl, she cringed as she passed him on the street. Albert had mentioned to Karl,  with great amusement, that Daisy never even wanted to be in the same building with that man, no less to be forced into his company in the very same room. It became a regular source of laughter…

Almost too big for the river, just big enough for the ocean… none of them liked being on the water, but with Chaska aloft and Thabo below and Henry at the wheel they made a killing when they were in their prime- although each digested their prey in a slightly different way.  The boys met independently during the war, occasionally operated that way when the war broke out… but after the war the Buoys came together as a crew.  Black Thabo rumbled like a mountain and broke wind and silence first.  I come here for reason; he growled.  And you goanna listen.  There was no doubt about that.  Not at all.  Karl chimed in.

Henry you and your friends are…..this is too much boat for you at your age. You need your crew. After Norfolk, we’ll be just fine. When you’re safe ashore, we’re headed for Charleston, but in a better time. You see, Karl, you aren’t just on board the speed boat of the future. This is a vessel with the capabilities to fly us back in time. And into the future, just for fun. We’ll meet again, but Miss LaCroix, myself and my two old friends here, will be years younger. And in our time period, chances are you aren’t even yet born. Even if this were possible, what of your knowledge what of your life… Henry fully believed his own plan.

Our dance gave allegiance,
   It set us apart 

Chaska is the best translator.  Arriving in full-blown regalia of the big Sioux chief Indian warrior he was, Chaska had become a lawyer and directed Henry’s Schatzenputz campus and industry with skill and precision.  He is an omniscient presence everywhere at port Schatzenputz and few ever saw him unless they were taking advanced classes.  Chaska set his hawk in front of Henry.  That is the best hawk ever gasped Henry.  It is, and now you are going to listen to Thabo grinned Chaska.  Tears welled up in Henry’s eyes.  This is the first time Henry had ever seen Chaska grin and Henry felt the Weird coming on.

Karl began to back away, thinking the old man had gone totally mad. Meanwhile the two old guys were untying ropes and tossing them on deck, the old boat pulling away from the dock as if normally. Henry winked at him and manned the wheel, turning to smile insanely back and forth as he kept watch to port and starboard and deftly entered the harbor. When clear of the traffic of the harbor, he turned south and cranked her engines to a scream. Karl could feel the ship levitating but in a tremor over the turbulence below. They were in Norfolk in half an hour’s time. And all seemed to be up to date in that part of Virginia.

He gladly disembarked in Norfolk and nervously saluted the three old men as they sailed once again to the south. In a quarter of an hour, they were under full sail, entering Charleston Harbor. It was April 14th, 1861. Chaska your hawk truly shines.  And you can bury it in my skull before I let that girl aboard my ship.  Tears (of rage or what) streamed down Henry’s face.  She was fine as a cabin boy.  But as Captain.   Aboard my Dart.  In battleGoddam you all to hell.  Thabo laid his hand down so hard pine knots popped out paneling all over the world.  The locals thought it was thunder and looked up at the clear sky. God dammit Henry.  I own this place.  And VonHot number whaterthefuck and all that shit.  Chaska decided.  I paid for it.  You gonna do it…all that it is.  Henry was blubbering by now.  

Face it Henry.  You a homeless penniless old man who couldn’t throw fart through a gunny.  Henry slowly covered his face with his hands.  Henry had few hands left and now he was playing them all.  Like Grant Lee and Lincoln leaning in and whispering at Appomattox.  The deck officers present became shadows on the wall, became ghosts and faded.  We don’t want each other the way we are now.  We want each other the way we were before the battle.  But you know Daisy.  She will take whatever fortune gives her.  And you know me.  Double or nothing.

The boss is on a roll lads.  Thabo come up to the darkroom with a mug and a hug and a voice soft as any girl.  



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