
Dream of Owls

Posted in Answers, Cool shit, Rants, Reality, Stupid-heads by waldopaper on October 15, 2013

Thanks to the Chickens.

no dream

She then turned the reporters into magpies and flew off into the sky in her magical black cauldron.  Baba Mack 

Owls as raptors usually hunt in low-light conditions.  Their sight is especially attuned, and so is their hearing.  Owls as raptors signature  flight characteristics: silent… the kind of stealth needed in the dark.  Seeing without being seen… hearing without being heard… knock and it shall be opened.


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Posted in Answers, Cool shit, Reality, Stupid-heads by waldopaper on October 6, 2013

Do you know the muffin, man? 

Image…the alternative is returning to a normal, far less energy-intense human existence.  –Bachman

This is the new multi-toolpromises to be the most promising (2.0) gizmo yet… if it works as advertised.
