
Coupon Clipper

Posted in Answers, Cool shit, Rants, Reality, Stupid-heads by waldopaper on December 26, 2022

Conservative Tipper

People expect old men to die,
They do not really mourn old men.

Using coupons for testing is a necessary step in accurately and reliably monitoring fabrication quality and consistency.  Some would call it coercion.  It is merely the American system of manufactures, and it is our social pyramid in three layers son.  Clipper, tipper and stripper.  Never confuse conservative with reactionary.  My name is not son.  That’s not the point butthole.  It’s the pointy top with clippers like the Sea Witch, and a beautiful ship she was too, shearing the flock over the bonding mainstream but I am talking about the base.  What base.  Capacitors is what.  They can take it.  Dielectric.  Not to be confused with dialectic, but distantly related- because there are varying degrees of difference between difference and no difference.  

We printed the circuits instead of using wires.   I called you.  Fat.  Insulators you say you silly old man.  Exactly.  But with a difference.  House sparrows establish foraging flocks by giving chirrup calls if the resources are divisible.  The field becomes less like a donut and more like an hourglass.  Do the granules have their own will- or are they drawn by what they think is acceleration-  thinking granules with a will is natural- but it isn’t turtles all the way down.  Causality is moot as economy of scale is when you can take what you need and leave the rest for the collective. There is no rest for the wicked.  

Old men are different. People look
At them with eyes that wonder when…

New York, 1890:  Albert and Daisy strolled along the square, at first the weather was a bit chilly with mostly just morning air. Her face showed the most delicate symptoms of aging and the sun would touch upon her from time to time with her exposure to it when she was between trees and buildings, highlighting her… Piccirilli wagon- no longer there and neither was Oracio, his tools or the sketches. Construction workers were roughing out the areas where the carved and sculpted marble would more than likely be placed. One could look through the arch and see most of the way down 5th Avenue and it was busy with Hansom Cabs and delivery wagons. Daisy wrinkled her nose from the smell of the horses and missed the sensation of riding, but went back to smiling.  

May I interest you in an evening meal at the White Horse Tavern this evening, if I may escort you Albert beamed at her in expectation my dear sir, I would be most honored to be escorted by one so handsome and dignified  she answered coyly and he blushed, excused himself and smuggled her meds back into his room. He picked up the portion of the Times he had not yet read and leaned back on his pillows to finish it. He could no longer concentrate. A few moments later he was asleep.  Daisy was alone in their parlor following instructions as to how to knit socks. Albert was unaware that the importance of the grey was to suit the Confederate soldier. As so he slept easily and she worked diligently. 

Poor unfortunate souls.  In pain.  In need.  Coca Cola south lost their cause in the weeds and Jubal Early wrote the apostate screed and it cut the alchemist cheese. They had no choice but to use their voice. Now they come flocking to my cauldron crying spells baron please.   And I help them.  Yes I do.  They signed the contract.  Now there is a Sanity Clause.  It has been five years and two score since the war.  They all came together at Camp Schatzenputz and VonHot20 is a place certain people rise like noble gas and Henry could see which (and you saw the ton impended). They blew up the dam year ended.

People watch with unshocked eyes;
But the old men know when an old man dies.
Ogden Nash


Posted in Answers, Cool shit, Rants, Reality, Stupid-heads by waldopaper on December 7, 2022

Flapper & Fogey

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;


Two entangled particles are connected as a basis for unifying into a theory of everything. I don’t know what that means smirked the girl.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it says Henry, to begin a beautiful friendship.  What is Coca Cola, she asks.  Don’t know say Henry.  But I’ve seen the signs.  I can see the future, you know.  It was above Atlanta right below the clouds. They said drink Coca Cola.  And you can too- I can tell by your drawing.  Well you talk hard and carry that stick.  That won’t do.  Do what?  The sparkling bay danced behind her low-cut little shoes and bucket hat.  I was a high-hat gentleman in those days. She says we are running a country, not an orphanage… and you are too old to play the artful dodger.   

You know my intentions, young lass, otherwise you would not be here.  Our company intends to maintain a monopoly on coercion.  Not all coercion, of course… only the best.  And what is coercion?  Simply getting things to do what they do not want to do- be it particle or pony.  Do you understand.  Yes.  Some things are said as questions when they are intended as statements.  Spinoza talks about this.  Exactly.  Killing is the easiest and most efficient.  Birthing is the hardest and the most productive.  Madame Lacroix has arranged for my surrender in Europe- and I must make my best appearance.  Understood. You carry papers, not pistols.  We will move the trend from the 70s to the 80s.  Tell me more about Coca Cola red.  

And all that’s best of dark and bright

Daisy had indeed made an impact upon the right people. And then his thoughts turned back to Henry. Henry will not ignore the confiscation of the farm, and the last that Albert had heard, Henry had left clear orders to have at least one of his most trusted men posted on the property at all times. This piece of the story Albert could not understand. When Henry got word of this, there would be bloodshed and probably by many. Albert considered contacting an attorney in Atlanta on his own on her behalf but he knew this would facilitate her involvement sooner than she might be able to handle. Daisy had either not noticed the letter behind her, or she had little interest in reading it. Albert had hoped that the Kimmswick reference on the envelope would have sparked a memory or direction for her to look toward.

Daisy touched the wavy pane of glass and tried to wave. She had almost the smile of an idiot on her face while trying to interact with them in some way. The couple, of course, had been oblivious to her attentions to them, and headed off arm and arm toward the trees and the other side of the park. A worried frown came over her beautiful face. She was completely white in hair. It took a few seconds for her to allow her own image in the mirrors or windows they’d pass. But she still had a sad beauty and Albert had to admit to himself that, had circumstances been different, he may have fallen in love. It was a most unhealthy imagining. Child labor in the textile mills was a priority. The rest of the country may have been ignorant as to what it meant to exploit children, but she sure as hell knew and she was after those powers over them.

The men I sent to Georgia were hard men.  Hot from the war.  Didn’t send them really… just paid for the party.  We made a killing during the war.  Took food and frills south because the north had plenty.  Took their horses and niggers north… where they could be put to better use.  We take what we need.  We know them all.  Coca Cola red I guess is like Chinese red… maybe a little on the green side.  But the war was over and a bunch of us just couldn’t stop so goddam fast.  It was future Atlanta down there.  Saw great many of auto mobiles… but they do not have our Tesla bell.  I was on the river that day.  Hundreds of miles away.   Like lunging a horse, madam.  We learned to coerce what we could not curse- moving hot stones, rolling and controlling them bones.    

“We are running a country, not an orphanage… and you are too old to play the artful dodger. “