
Scary Flying Shark

Posted in Uncategorized by waldopaper on August 12, 2022

Eye of the Scarab

This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

You do not see the pencil being pushed through the paper.  Instead take alarm at an ever-expanding circle and peep about choices.  You are the plaster of your plate.  Capstan of your sole… and what happens. Wow.  Scary flying sharks.  When they are awakened, they take to the skies, with terrible consequences for everything and everybody. An elite military group of four fallen US soldiers in Vietnam faces the threat to save the Earth from destruction. They get stoned. They will not forget about it.

Sharpsburg; (not Antietam)- along the Allegheny; harvest time,  1869

Henry John Heinz began packing foodstuffs on a small scale at Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1869. There, he founded Heinz Noble & Company with a friend, L. Clarence Noble, and started marketing bottled horseradish, soon followed by sauerkraut, vinegar, and pickles. The company went bankrupt in 1875. The following year, Heinz founded another company, F & J Heinz, with his brother John Heinz and a cousin Fred. Heinz said he chose 5 because it was his lucky number; the number 7 was his wife’s lucky number.   Do you believe that?  The war is over.

Dingdong Daddy; Bong o Bucks, 1968 

Shall I part my hair behind?   Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach. 

You don’t need to believe any of it.  Just remember the numbers- any numbers.  Whap bottle flat pat a burp render tomato red blob the fire black flesh and it dumps meaning over bad meat with the victors in Valhalla.  Or something like that.  Then you know you’re riding with the King.  Because of good choices you made.  How sweet.  For sweet little yams have their turn at the steering wheel.  So Major Jack took Hank for a ride in a Phantom.  Raven rock was there.  Civil war Henry saw it too… sort of upside-down.

Marble mountain memorial like a black granite grin.

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