
Raptor religion

Posted in Uncategorized by waldopaper on August 6, 2022

Willow the which

Aboard the SS Dart: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, 1873

We can run and race and swim and fly and dive,   

      We can see and hear and count and read and write!

Now Tom was black as anthracite coal and did not suffer fools gladly.  Thabo he was called in his Zulu African tongue, but he was Tom to the white folks and Thabo did not care what they called him as long as they paid in advance.   Now Tom is how Henry usually began his answers to Thabo (the thumper) and the name stuck.  Thabo was a hundred years from his homeland anyway, but the Dart flies a Hessian flag and the warships take her for a private yacht… which she is.  Henry had to run the blockade once during the war.  Thabo had to ask.  Little light to turn her 300 foot hull about her 25 foot beam. 

Know what boss… the only time I seen you happy is when hunter become hunted.  Indian say you bigtime hunter.  Seen you do that.  You takin care of business jest like everybody else.  But you eyes light up when tables turn.  Like when the river get mean.  Like when Pinkerton boys is after you.  Tell me why that is.  Now Tom there ant nothing to it.  Speed is life.  The faster the better.  Shit man.  You humbugging me.  No.   Like switching brains you see.  I learned this from a horse.  Or a woman.  I am not sure.  No deal boss.  Ant goin back to Georgia. 

Pathfinder spirits

We were taken from the ore-bed and the mine,  
   We were melted in the furnace and the pit—  
We were cast and wrought and hammered to design,   
   We were cut and filed and tooled and gauged to fit.  

I saw it too you know.  When I was a boy in the forest over the Bieber.  Looked like a great stag on his hind legs.  It was a gator on his tail man.  Eye seed two.  Big eyes.  Talk in you head man.  Magic powder talk.  Forget it boss.  You and the Indian is in cahoots.  Henry is in cahoots with black folk everywhere old thumper Thabo.  From river to rail.  Dining cars. Pathfinder spirit is not methane or bioluminescence.   Gründerzeit is not a word for sneezing.  We bound for Charleston now.  You to West Virginia… me to South Carolina.  Now Tom the river pilot gonna make a super conductor.

You can start this very evening if you choose,   
And take the Western Ocean in the stride
   Of seventy thousand horses and some screws!

Henry had a dream that night.  Who knows what it means.  They say dogs can smell the future.  Everyone knows dogs can talk.  But they do not say much.  Shoshone pony winked in as a black motorcycle- and of course Henry had no idea what a motorcycle was.  Raven rock was the place.  And in the sky was an upside-down jungle with clouds like palm fronds cheering a future war.  That is another story.  Pathfinder Spirit is a light in the darkness that does not lead you into the quicksand tar pit that is the end of all living things.  Anima rising.  Queen of queens.    But I would not feel so all alone…  

Harsh mistress moan.  Every potty must get stoned.  


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